2022 “Deep Breathing Small Town”, “Top 100 Counties for Wellness Tourism” and “China’s Beautiful Countryside” are Released, and Many Places in Fujian are on the List! Welcome to Take your Perfect Photos Here!

Best John
4 min readNov 25, 2022


Yubang Village, Xiamao Town, Shaxian District, Sanming City, Fujian Province

On November 12, 2022, the shortlists for the “Deep Breathing Health Tourism Development Index” and the “Top 100 Counties for Wellness Tourism” have been released, and many places in Fujian are included in these lists, which are jointly developed by the China Academy of Culture and Tourism, the Asia-Pacific International Leisure Culture Beijing Center and the “Travel & Leisure” Magazine.

In the list of “2022 Beautiful China · Deep Breathing Small Towns”, Fujian has taken 8 seats among the top 100 in China, namely, Jiangle County, Zhenghe County, Wuyishan City, Shaxian District of Sanming City, Youxi County, Jianning County, Songxi County, and Jian’ou City. In the list of “2022 Health China·Top 100 Counties for Wellness Tourism”, Fujian has taken 10 seats of the 140 in China, including Jiangle County of Sanming City, Jianning County of Sanming City, Yong’an City of Sanming City, Taining County of Sanming City, Youxi County of Sanming City, Wuyishan City of Nanping City, Songxi County of Nanping City, Jian’ou City of Nanping City, Zhenghe County of Nanping City, and Liancheng County of Longyan City.

In addition, in the list of “2022 China’s Beautiful Countryside” officially released by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, Fujian has taken 8 seats of the Top 255 in China. These eight villages are Yubang Village (Xiamao Town, Shaxian District, Sanming City), Zhongfu Village (Nanshan Town, Changting County, Longyan City), Dadi Village (Xiandu Town, Hua’an County, Zhangzhou City), Daxi Village (Songkou Town, Yongtai County, Fuzhou City), Xingxian Village (Wufu Town, Wuyishan City, Nanping City), Shuangfu Village (Baitang Town, Hanjiang District, Putian City), Huwei Village (Yinglin Town, Jinjiang City, Quanzhou City), and Beiqian Village (Daixi Town, Pingnan County, Ningde City). Among them, Huwei Village and Dadi Village are also included in the Featured Agritourism Villages!

Now let’s go to Jiangle County, the Deep Breathing Town, Youxi County, one of the Top 100 Counties for Wellness Tourism, and Huwei Village of Yinglin Town, Jinjiang City, one of the China Beautiful Countrysides.

“2022 Beautiful China · Deep Breathing Small Town” — Jiangle County

Located at the southeast foothills of Wuyi Mountains under the jurisdiction of Sanming City, Fujian Province, Jiangle County is characterized with lush forests, beautiful water, and rich tourism resources, including the famous Yuhua Cave and Longqi Mountain. What you should know is that Longqi Mountain is not only №1 “Beautiful China · Deep Breathing Town”, but also the awarded “China Natural Oxygen Bar” by the China Meteorological Administration in 2020, making it the “Deep Breathing” business card of Jiangle in every sense.

“2022 Health China · Top 100 Counties for Wellness Tourism” — Youxi County

As a national demonstration area for all-area tourism and a national demonstration unit for tourism standardization, Youxi County, Sanming City has already owned several national 4A-level tourist attractions, national 3A-level tourist attractions, and national and provincial characteristic rural tourism brands, so it’s also known as the back garden of the central city cluster of West Coast of Taiwan Straits. Today, Youxi has joined forces with Terraced Fields Listed as Globally Important Agriculture Heritage to create a cultural tourism and health resort in order to enrich tourists’ unique experience.

“China’s Beautiful Countryside in 2022” — Huwei Village, Yinglin Town, Jinjiang City, Quanzhou City, Fujian Province

In the list of “China’s Beautiful Countryside in 2022”, Huwei is the second Fujian village listed as a Featured Agritourism Village. Its south faces Taiwu Mountain of Kinmen across the sea; its east is Fengshan’ao, a natural harbour backed by Fengji Mountain, and its west is adjacent to the Shijing River which directly leads to Anhai, an ancient commercial town. The alleys of the village are full of red brick ancient houses and Fanzai buildings (buildings that combine foreign and traditional Chinese architectural elements), leaving the lasting imprint of Huwei overseas Chinese and their struggles in Southeast Asia.

Shuangfu Village, Baitang Town, Hanjiang District, Putian City, Fujian Province

You can’t get enough of the beauty of Fujian! Choose a pleasant sunny day when white clouds are leisurely rolling around, and come to Fujian to enjoy the mountains and water here between the sky and the earth. Gather the rosebud while you may! Visit Fujian without delay! Many beautiful places are waiting for you!

