PERSEUS (PRS), is Building an Ecosystem to Promote Financial Independence, To List on BitMart Exchange

Best John
3 min readFeb 2, 2023


BitMart, a global digital asset trading platform, will list PERSEUS (PRS) on February 01, 2023, for all BitMart users, the PRS/USDT trading pair will be officially available for trading at 08:00 AM (UTC).

What is PERSEUS (PRS)?

Perseus Fintech S.A. is building an ecosystem to promote financial independence for its users via advanced tools and premium educational content. Perseus Token is staked by the NFTs, issued at end of June 2022 and represents the new payment solution related to the NFT Private Equity environment.

The majority of the Perseus Token total supply is mined through staking their NFTs. There are a total of 172,640,000 Perseus Tokens to be mined over a period of 24 months. Each token represents a percentage of the Dividend Pool share. Each holder of tokens and NFT’s will be granted of a special discount to enter the trading platform and a boost of the referral rewards.


The objective is to attract “conventional” investment funds and individual investors to the cryptocurrency market. We do this by strategically investing their money in a variety of projects, currencies, and NFTs,mostly on the Ethereum and Solana blockchains.


PERSEUS is a low-inflationary currency with a logarithmic-like supply curve and a maximum supply of 100 million PERSEUS tokens. The hard cap on maximum supply prevents inflationary tendencies and makes the economic model more predictable. A deflationary token economy is a type of token economy in which the supply of tokens is designed to decrease over time. This means that the total number of tokens in circulation will decrease, and the value of each token may increase as a result. There are several benefits to having a deflationary token economy, including:

  • Increased scarcity: As the supply of tokens decreases, the relative scarcity of the tokens increases. This can drive up the value of the tokens, as people may be willing to pay more for a limited, scarce resource.
  • Incentivizing token holders: In a deflationary token economy, token holders are incentivized to hold onto their tokens, as the value of the tokens is likely to increase over time. This can help to create a more stable and sustainable token economy, as there will be less volatility and speculation.

About BitMart

BitMart Exchange is a premier global digital assets trading platform. With millions of users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges on CoinMarketCap, BitMart currently offers 1000+ trading pairs with one of the lowest trading fees in the industry. Constantly evolving and growing, BitMart is interested in crypto’s potential to drive innovation and promote financial inclusion. To learn more about BitMart, visit their Website, follow their Twitter, or join their Telegram for updates, news, and promotions. Download BitMart App to trade anytime, anywhere.


Perseus Tokens are digital currencies that use cryptography to secure and verify transactions, and they are not backed by any government or central bank. Perseus is decentralized, meaning they are not owned by any one entity and operate on a peer-to peer network. They also use blockchain technology, which is a type of digital ledger that records transactions and is shared among users. Cryptocurrencies have become popular because of their potential to offer a secure and anonymous way to transfer money, as well as their decentralized nature, which allows anyone to use them without the need for a middleman or central authority.

To learn more about PERSEUS (PRS), please visit their Website, follow their Twitter, and join their Telegram.

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